Software developer typing on his laptop during a React workshop

React workshop | For those who want to build React apps like a pro

Program sophisticated web applications with React

React is by far the most popular framework for modern web applications. Numerous well-known companies – such as Facebook, Instagram, and Netflix – rely on React in their front end. Why? Often older web applications tend to accumulate indispensable and difficult to maintain code. With React, however, it is much easier to produce reusable and simpler code.

UI components are the future

React relies on a revolutionary concept: Dividing the web interface into small, encapsulated UI components. The individual components are then programmed using a HTML-like declarative language called JSX. React efficiently presents the content and knows when each component needs to be re-rendered. In the end, the components are put together like pieces of a puzzle to form a large, complete picture: the user interface.

The old saying applies here too: No pain, no gain

React provides the right tools, but they must also be used correctly. And in our experience, this is where many teams fail. A development team that relies on React needs the basic technical knowledge and plenty of practical expertise to produce successful websites.

Our React training is ideal for teams just starting out or who have already had their first experiences with React and now wish to get better. We know how difficult the transition can be in the beginning and have tailored the content of our React workshop accordingly. For Zooplus AG, for example, we conducted a workshop focused on design patterns of React components.

Peerigon React workshop scene

Our content modules for your React workshop

Cookie cutter workshops are not our thing. In order to accommodate to the previous knowledge and interests of your team, we have developed the modular construction kit below that we can employ together during preliminary discussions. Just pick out the points that appeal to you and write us for a non-binding offer!

React Fundamentals

  • Overview
  • Basic tooling setup
  • React elements
  • Understanding JSX
  • Props and prop types
  • Functional components
  • Introduction into hooks
  • Component composition

React Advanced

  • State management
  • Asynchronous API calls
  • Routing
  • How to use React context
  • Hooks deep dive
  • Building custom hooks
  • Animations
  • Error boundaries
  • GraphQL with Apollo

React Patterns

  • Data down, action up
  • Lifting state
  • Unidirectional data flow
  • Render props


  • Testing React components
  • With Jest
  • With React Testing Library
  • With Storybook
  • With Cypress

React in Practice

  • Tooling
  • Internationalization
  • Scalable design systems
  • Organizing components
  • Sharing components
  • React with TypeScript

SSR or SSG with Next.js

  • Architectural overview
  • Routing with pages
  • Data fetching
  • TypeScript support
Moritz Hofmann

Moritz Hofmann

CEO at clickbits GmbH

“Peerigon gave us the perfect start in React development. The workshop content was adjusted to our prior knowledge and easy to follow.”

Are you currently migrating your frontend stack? This workshop can be combined with a TypeScript crash course. In a personal preliminary talk, we will tailor the workshop content to your specific needs. Just send us an email without any obligations!

Michael and Paul from Peerigon

Your contact for our React workshops: Paul Torka and Michael Jaser

The benefits of our React workshop

  • No boring lectures. Instead of spending hours discussing theory, our workshops get straight to the point. 75% of the time is spent coding, we promise!

  • Up-to-date workshop material. Our slides and exercises are completely written in functional components and hooks.

  • Optimal support. We don't abandon workshop participants who may fall behind. From our teaching experience we know how important quick help is when someone gets stuck.

  • We know what we're talking about. We use React in our customer projects every day. This means we can ensure you that our workshops address real-world problems that we ourselves have encountered.

  • Practical exercises. Abstract exercises are fine, but we prefer to solve the tricky problems that arise in everyday development.

  • Customized content. In a preliminary discussion we mix and match the desired workshop topics with the participants.

Our React workshop at a glance

Participation fee

The basic price for this workshop starts at 2990 EUR/day, covering included services, trainer(s) and all the workshop materials you'll need. Are you interested in further information? Just write us an email and get your personal offer today!

Time and place

1 to 3 days of workshop sessions either inhouse or remote. If needed we are also happy to organize a venue in the Munich area (including catering). (copy)


You can book this workshop in English or German. Workshop materials such as slides and exercises will be in English.

Portrait of three software developers during a workshop
Roman Decker

Roman Decker

Web developer at zooplus AG

“Had a great and very practical two-day workshop on React & Typescript with Johannes from Peerigon. Our team is now more confident to tackle real-world projects.”

These companies and institutions booked our full stack trainings

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Portrait of software developer and Peerigon founder Johannes Ewald

Your person in charge for React workshops

Johannes is Co-Founder of Peerigon and longtime member of the Core Team of Webpack. Since 2013 he has given lectures on JavaScript, TypeScript and node.js for the Faculty of Computer Science at the University of Applied Sciences Augsburg. Johannes speaks regularly at conferences, with his current areas of interest being scalable software architectures with TypeScript and optimized build processes. As a sought-after speaker at international events such as the JSConf in Iceland, the ReactiveConf in Prague and the Frontend Developer Love in Amsterdam, he actively demonstrates his commitment to the open source community.